Wednesday, February 18, 2009

An appreciation

The absolute absurdity of the fact that such complicatedness, such beauty, such organization could be manufactured only to live its life cycle and die, willingly and unpurposefully..... is a miracle.

Its beauty is its futility and momentariness.
Its respectability is in the system's knowledge about its vaucous end and its adamancy to perform nevertheless.
Its awe is in the codes which gently shield the rights of Everything to be magnificently.

There are no cost benefit rationalizations.
There are no talks of profit.
There is no kindness, too.
Only an elegant Justice.

Just a maddeningly precise Balance.
An all encompassing scene of an eternity long strange love affair between symmetry and illogicality.

Unfortunately Man's mind makes plans. It not only wants structure but a point to everything. Its incentives are benefits and surpluses. It refuses to believe that True Beauty lies strictly beyond the realm of sanity. It mistakenly perceives its unusual ability to reason and act for its own sake as power. It imagines that to hold the specific splendour of these introverted works of ununderstandability hostage is a mere step in a grand scheme of a more important, more valuable enterprise.

For a being of such epic insignificance to assume to possess the Power to do this,and then actually do it, is not criminal, its stupidity taken to a new level.

May all those who believe that they can bring this about discover their powerlessness and the joys of celebrating it.

Status:-"Sometimes there's so much beauty in the world I feel like I can't take it,like my heart's going to cave in."-American (exquisite irony!) Beauty

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Thank You

Lets not,God forbid,restrict Maleness to the funny items in the last post.

Lets not deny men their secret,cryptic,fragile depth.

Lets not,once again,deprive them of access to their grossly underused capacity for Infinite Tenderness.

Their general savagery,simple over confidence and juvenile self importance hinders us from developing any sense of gratitude towards them.

By no means does it suggest that they don't deserve it.

For going to unheard of extremes for the ones they love,to protect them from the world (and sometimes from them), and to provide for them all they can.

For possessing a clarity of vision devoid of emotional clutter.

For wading through Life without the luxury of tears.

For being uncomplicated and predictable.

For falling hopelessly, helplessly in Love with us.

Thank You.

And listening to Ghulam Ali's 'Chupke Chupke Raat Din'. A shard of melancholy of such genius, you can never disintegrate it to its components and tell which one brings it alive. The highlight of the ghazal is the terminal part where the man who has to sing this song begins to hum, and suddenly appears to be content, almost glad, for reliving a painful memory.

If only we could all appreciate the delicate pride, the private cherishability, the magical irreplacability of certain failures......