Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Thank You

Lets not,God forbid,restrict Maleness to the funny items in the last post.

Lets not deny men their secret,cryptic,fragile depth.

Lets not,once again,deprive them of access to their grossly underused capacity for Infinite Tenderness.

Their general savagery,simple over confidence and juvenile self importance hinders us from developing any sense of gratitude towards them.

By no means does it suggest that they don't deserve it.

For going to unheard of extremes for the ones they love,to protect them from the world (and sometimes from them), and to provide for them all they can.

For possessing a clarity of vision devoid of emotional clutter.

For wading through Life without the luxury of tears.

For being uncomplicated and predictable.

For falling hopelessly, helplessly in Love with us.

Thank You.

And listening to Ghulam Ali's 'Chupke Chupke Raat Din'. A shard of melancholy of such genius, you can never disintegrate it to its components and tell which one brings it alive. The highlight of the ghazal is the terminal part where the man who has to sing this song begins to hum, and suddenly appears to be content, almost glad, for reliving a painful memory.

If only we could all appreciate the delicate pride, the private cherishability, the magical irreplacability of certain failures......


  1. "For wading through life without the luxury of tears.."

    very well favourite of all ur blog entries, i love the way all the words seem to lie cozily together in this one..nothing is out of place..beautiful..

  2. ahem.

    for the first 3 lines I call you sexist

    for the last ones, very deeply understanding.

    if only all girls had that much of sense....

  3. @ Blue-Stop it. ~sheepish~ Compliments are to me what forms are to you.

    @ deluded-I have another idea. Lets call you sexist for the last line in your comment.

    ~serious~ The first three lines are more about how a society including its women constructs a notion of maleness, then defines and cements its boundaries, laid upon the foundation of an entity already perplexed,and supplemented, by its biological and psychological legacy.

  4. that was too much philosophy

    my head is hinting me to think of simpler kites, chocolates and paper mache

  5. oh i'm sorry if u found the compliment as irritating as i find those damned forms..but know that i wudnt have said it if it wasnt that good..just that i havent read anything so basic as the real nature of men and women anywhere..
    most people go the obtuse analysis way..

  6. @deluded
    okay. Lets call you sexist and lets call me sexy.

  7. why not both of us be both?

    fair enough?

