Thursday, January 29, 2009

Athos, Porthos,

Whilst I too am of the opinion that Slumdog is a piece of cinematic genius,a few points which bothered me enough to be mentioned-

1.)Everything is about Latika. Everything is for Latika. Everything is because of Latika. Latika is Everything. Everything is Latika. Jamal is shockingly one dimensional,even considering the loss of his immediate family, for someone who has lived the kind of life he has. It would be a very boring prospect to be Jamal Mallik.

Besides I personally hate all men who are obssessed with a particular woman as opposed to being obssessed with women in general.

2.)The movie is in English, and therefore obviously people who we would never expect to speak English in real life do so. Still, The teen and adult versions of the brothers should've been trained to speak without the accent. It does nothing to the course of the movie but disturbs the undertone since the kids end up looking like posh public school boys. This is comparable to the broken English used in Nazneen's sister's letters in 'Brick Lane'. There was no logic behind it but they set the tone of the narration beautifully.

3.)Salim is a dominating entrepreneur from the beginning,which was done magnificent justice by the child actor (remember the 'its not a holiday,its time to work?'). And the adolescent one,for that matter. However,the casting slips way down when it comes to the adult version of Salim. He is physically smaller than Jamal, and for some reason this does not bolster that character's image. His acting too,appeared to be lack lustre and did not fit in amongst the other superlative performances.

4.)The 'migration' of Salim and Jamal to Agra and subsequent odd jobs are inferential to the boys' lives. However, is it entirely coincidental that the Taj Mahal is symbolic of India as far as the west,or for that matter any other country, is concerned? This particular cliche was avoidable, making the story more about an Indian boy's destiny than India.

My worthless two bit.

Status-Back from my college fest. Specifically the JAM. Not what it used to be. Not happy.


  1. The first one is pretty interesting. Didn't strike me before.

  2. @ Blue- :(

    @ Harman- :) for your comment
    :( for your namesake
