Wednesday, February 18, 2009

An appreciation

The absolute absurdity of the fact that such complicatedness, such beauty, such organization could be manufactured only to live its life cycle and die, willingly and unpurposefully..... is a miracle.

Its beauty is its futility and momentariness.
Its respectability is in the system's knowledge about its vaucous end and its adamancy to perform nevertheless.
Its awe is in the codes which gently shield the rights of Everything to be magnificently.

There are no cost benefit rationalizations.
There are no talks of profit.
There is no kindness, too.
Only an elegant Justice.

Just a maddeningly precise Balance.
An all encompassing scene of an eternity long strange love affair between symmetry and illogicality.

Unfortunately Man's mind makes plans. It not only wants structure but a point to everything. Its incentives are benefits and surpluses. It refuses to believe that True Beauty lies strictly beyond the realm of sanity. It mistakenly perceives its unusual ability to reason and act for its own sake as power. It imagines that to hold the specific splendour of these introverted works of ununderstandability hostage is a mere step in a grand scheme of a more important, more valuable enterprise.

For a being of such epic insignificance to assume to possess the Power to do this,and then actually do it, is not criminal, its stupidity taken to a new level.

May all those who believe that they can bring this about discover their powerlessness and the joys of celebrating it.

Status:-"Sometimes there's so much beauty in the world I feel like I can't take it,like my heart's going to cave in."-American (exquisite irony!) Beauty

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Thank You

Lets not,God forbid,restrict Maleness to the funny items in the last post.

Lets not deny men their secret,cryptic,fragile depth.

Lets not,once again,deprive them of access to their grossly underused capacity for Infinite Tenderness.

Their general savagery,simple over confidence and juvenile self importance hinders us from developing any sense of gratitude towards them.

By no means does it suggest that they don't deserve it.

For going to unheard of extremes for the ones they love,to protect them from the world (and sometimes from them), and to provide for them all they can.

For possessing a clarity of vision devoid of emotional clutter.

For wading through Life without the luxury of tears.

For being uncomplicated and predictable.

For falling hopelessly, helplessly in Love with us.

Thank You.

And listening to Ghulam Ali's 'Chupke Chupke Raat Din'. A shard of melancholy of such genius, you can never disintegrate it to its components and tell which one brings it alive. The highlight of the ghazal is the terminal part where the man who has to sing this song begins to hum, and suddenly appears to be content, almost glad, for reliving a painful memory.

If only we could all appreciate the delicate pride, the private cherishability, the magical irreplacability of certain failures......

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Athos, Porthos,

Whilst I too am of the opinion that Slumdog is a piece of cinematic genius,a few points which bothered me enough to be mentioned-

1.)Everything is about Latika. Everything is for Latika. Everything is because of Latika. Latika is Everything. Everything is Latika. Jamal is shockingly one dimensional,even considering the loss of his immediate family, for someone who has lived the kind of life he has. It would be a very boring prospect to be Jamal Mallik.

Besides I personally hate all men who are obssessed with a particular woman as opposed to being obssessed with women in general.

2.)The movie is in English, and therefore obviously people who we would never expect to speak English in real life do so. Still, The teen and adult versions of the brothers should've been trained to speak without the accent. It does nothing to the course of the movie but disturbs the undertone since the kids end up looking like posh public school boys. This is comparable to the broken English used in Nazneen's sister's letters in 'Brick Lane'. There was no logic behind it but they set the tone of the narration beautifully.

3.)Salim is a dominating entrepreneur from the beginning,which was done magnificent justice by the child actor (remember the 'its not a holiday,its time to work?'). And the adolescent one,for that matter. However,the casting slips way down when it comes to the adult version of Salim. He is physically smaller than Jamal, and for some reason this does not bolster that character's image. His acting too,appeared to be lack lustre and did not fit in amongst the other superlative performances.

4.)The 'migration' of Salim and Jamal to Agra and subsequent odd jobs are inferential to the boys' lives. However, is it entirely coincidental that the Taj Mahal is symbolic of India as far as the west,or for that matter any other country, is concerned? This particular cliche was avoidable, making the story more about an Indian boy's destiny than India.

My worthless two bit.

Status-Back from my college fest. Specifically the JAM. Not what it used to be. Not happy.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Bust cream Ad

From HT Cafe,
page 11,
25th Jan 2009
Exactly as they have printed it.
Words in brackets are my input.
Any capital usage is from their side.

Another Bust Friendly (?) Product
From SONA ABC Cup Bra



From small and flat to chubbiness
(Thank you for destroying 'Rosy lips, Chubby cheeks' forever)
From flab to elastic
(Elastic. Elastic?! Is that another fetish of the male mind?)
Finalized the beauty,delete all the pudency
(Ooooh all these big new words.....and new grammar)
Performing for you with our passionate heart
(Er.....Was it meant for your girlfriend?)
Life will not be the commonness anymore
(Obviously with the elastic pair one would be seriously uncommon......but who cares! It will change your LIFE!))

Magical Thailand National fruit-PM fruit
(I never knew the Thai government was so liberal)
with 16 beauty surgical experts (?)
More than 5 years of scientific researching
Only 2 minutes after usage,feel the firmness
(Where? On the user or her husband/boyfriend?)

-No side effects
-Using natural herbs
-Without effecting the sex hormones
-No additional capsules and tablets required

SONA Creating another MIRACLE of beauty in 28 days

Status-Thinking about the women who will read this and then actually buy the product. Now, that, IS a miracle.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Quotes of the day-Highlights of the conversations between me and my brother,Priyadarshan

1.) Before sinking my teeth into a Gulab jamun,
Deeksha-"This is one of those moments for which the abomination called life is worth living."

2.) While accompanying me to college for my nth exam,
Deeksha-"Had I not hated this place,I would have loved it."

3.) While I am jumping up and down during Indian idol auditions answering all the rhetorics,
Priyadarshan-"Reality TV will be the death of mankind."

4.) Standing outside the IIT convocation hall waiting for my cousin's fashion show to end,
Priyadarshan-"The world's tallest man doesn't have a pituitary tumour. He is just Too Tall."

5.) After watching Chandni Chowk to China (and when I say after,I mean abandoning it before
the interval,precisely when Hojo unzipped his fly),
Deeksha-"I give this movie an Ewww rating."

6.) During Chandni Chowk to China,
Priyadarshan-"Zzzzzz.........Slurp Slurp (with some help from a chicken roll)........Zzzzz."

7.) Random Observation,
Deeksha-"You can get everything you want in life at Colaba Causeway."

8.) While talking to our Dog,Jimmy,
Priyadarshan-"He looks like he has discrete knowledge of The Truth. And refuses to divulge.

9.) While discussing which movie to watch,
Priyadarshan-"If they hadn't plagiarised memento, I would not have gone through this moral dilemma about the choice of my entertainment."

10.) With our 18 year old cousin,
Deeksha-"I might look like a 23 year old woman but in actual fact all I am at heart is a 16 year old boy." (Retort-You'd need at least a dozen unnatural surgeries then)

Status-Sitting in my Aquamarine Ink Blue room with all the stuff from the other room which is being painted now. Have shattered a moderately exquisite Vase in the process. And its true about the Colaba causeway bit.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

A wound

I pretend I never had it.
That it is our little secret-me and the Noise.
Under sediments of an intangible mortar.
Sometimes distanced.
Rarely dissected.
Never displayed.
I protect it from the world,
So I can scratch it till it bleeds
So I can douse it with the salt from my eyes
In Private
I don't listen to its wails.
Brooks of Blood EXIT.
Pulsations of Pain ENTER.
Then I judge it.

Its magnificent.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Who would you be?

If you could be born as any another person and live any other life, who would you be?

A regular at the pageants, this.
Spare me the 'I love myself the way I am and I would like to be me blah blah blah'.

~crushing index finger between front teeth,looking at a far away bird~

I would be called Aleksandra. I'd be living in the outskirts of Rome in the countryside. I'd have a blind father, no mother, four elder sisters and a talkative parrot who loves to perch on my shoulder, giving me the welcome nickname of Piratina (Or just Tina,for friends. Or Alex). I would be an extremely tall brunette with big.............curly hair (gotcha!) ,green eyes,tan skin and a considerable overbite (what else do you expect with the name Aleksandra but undiluted model looks?). I'd own a trinket shop in the flea market,but that would only be one of my jobs. My other occupation would be being a subject model for budding artists (tee hee). I'd love to bake and cook and dairy would feature heavily but my hobbies would definitely be riding people and meeting horses. That's when I am not off to Spain to meet my matador boyfriend. Or France to meet my artist one (office romance). Or Poland because nobody ever goes there and I really want to know what murky waters it offers. I would wish these journeys could be made on my sturdy little bicycle. I would go to bed daily listening to my father talk about the days when my mother was alive and her rare beauty, not once lamenting the fact that he cannot see now. Me and my sisters would make our own clothes,some of which we would try to pass off as designer wear at the shop. Country people are stupid, after all.

If it sounds too far fetched and unrealistic and cliched, and more importantly too little to be called a person, thats because it was meant to be so.
~bangs fist on the desk~

Now its your turn.

Status:-Anticipating impending shriek from mum when she enters my room, and the subsequent chores. Plus really hungry.